Analysis of the Basic Abilities of Grade V Students in Working on Volume of Space Building Problems


  • Fajar Witdanarko Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Wiryanto Wiryanto Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Neni Mariana Universitas Negeri Surabaya



Elementary school, Basic abilities, Grade V students, Volume, Space building


Objectives: The purpose of this simple research is to find out the following: 1) the essential ability of grade V elementary school students in working on problems about the volume of space, especially cubes and beams; 2) the difficulties faced by students in solving volume problems of cubes and beams. Method: The research method used in this simple research is a qualitative description with data collection techniques using written tests. The subjects of this study amounted to 5 students consisting of 2 female students and three male students from grade V elementary school. Results: The results showed that the essential ability of grade V elementary school students in working on problems about the volume of space buildings, especially cubes and beams, obtained an average score of 30. Students in grade V elementary school have difficulty working on volume problems of cubes and beams in the form of story problems; this is evidenced by the answers to the test instrument questions in the form of story problems, which all get the result 0. Novelty: The novelty in this study lies in identifying what mistakes are often made by fifth-grade students in working on volume problems of building space. These errors are grouped into several categories: reading, understanding, processing data, and writing answers. This allows teachers to target more specific interventions based on the types of errors made by students.


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How to Cite

Witdanarko, F., Wiryanto, W., & Mariana, N. (2024). Analysis of the Basic Abilities of Grade V Students in Working on Volume of Space Building Problems. International Journal of Emerging Research and Review, 2(2), 000068.


